Jose L. Ruiz, M.D.
AFT Skin Rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment designed to produce younger and healthier looking skin. As most of us age, we begin to see visible signs of sun damage, time, and lifestyle choices appearing in our complexion. This aged look may include freckles, wrinkles, broken capillaries, dark spots, blotchy skin color, redness of the face and neck, enlarged pore size and uneven pigmentation.
Photo Rejuvenation is the only procedure that can treat vascular redness, pigmented brown spots, sun damage, skin texture, and collagen structure all at once. With the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) technology, dramatic improvements can now be accomplished with little or no "downtime" and with very minimal discomfort.
As many as 70 million Americans have undesirable redness and or sun damaged skin. Sun exposure, alcohol, medication, stress and aging are common causes of skin discoloration, redness and flushing skin. Rejuvenation treatments control flushing and promotes a smoother and more even skin tone.
Treatments can be scheduled at our Hunters Creek, Orlando-Kissimmee, Florida location.
AFT Skin Rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment designed to produce younger and healthier looking skin. As most of us age, we begin to see visible signs of sun damage, time, and lifestyle choices appearing in our complexion. This aged look may include freckles, wrinkles, broken capillaries, dark spots, blotchy skin color, redness of the face and neck, enlarged pore size and uneven pigmentation.
Photo Rejuvenation is the only procedure that can treat vascular redness, pigmented brown spots, sun damage, skin texture, and collagen structure all at once. With the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) technology, dramatic improvements can now be accomplished with little or no "downtime" and with very minimal discomfort.
As many as 70 million Americans have undesirable redness and or sun damaged skin. Sun exposure, alcohol, medication, stress and aging are common causes of skin discoloration, redness and flushing skin. Rejuvenation treatments control flushing and promotes a smoother and more even skin tone.
Treatments can be scheduled at our Hunters Creek, Orlando-Kissimmee, Florida location.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically a series of 3-6 Microneedling treatments is recommended, depending upon your area of correction or concern. Your skincare professional will ultimately determine a treatment schedule based on your individual goals and desires. Treatments are usually spaced in 4 week intervals. Patients with deep wrinkles, advanced sun damage, stretch marks, or any type of scars, usually require 6 or more treatments to achieve the desired results.
How long will it take for me to see results?
Most all patients see results after the first Microneedling treatment. Individual results vary depending on individual skin health. It is most common to begin to see true changes or positive results as soon as 1-2 weeks after the first treatment. Many patients comment on positive changes in even less time. (Often change is noted within just a few days)
How long will my Microneedling/Collagen PIN results last?
Microneedling produces results through the stimulation of growth factors and collagen, thereby promoting new skin cells to surface. As our skin ages, our collagen production naturally slows down. Your overall result will last longer when using an at home skin care regimen that includes a daily Retinoid product. Your medical provider is best suited to make this recommendation. New collagen & elastin formation in the skin are documented as visually and measurably improved as much as one year after just one treatment. However, a series of treatments is typically recommended for best results.
Will the Microneedling/Collagen PIN treatment hurt?
Prior to your treatment with the Micropen, the medical provider will apply a topical numbing agent. Most people say they feel almost nothing after having been pretreated with a topical numbing agent. Others have rated the pain as a 2 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level of pain.
How will I look after my Microneedling/Collagen PIN treatment?
Microneedling is considered a no downtime treatment. Immediately after your treatment your skin will look slightly pink to moderately red. Depending on your skin’s sensitivity your redness can last for another 24 hours. Your medical provider will recommend skin care products for your post care based on your individual skin, which will greatly minimize these symptoms and enhance your overall results.
Can I use makeup after my Microneedling/Collagen PIN treatment?
AFT Skin Rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment designed to produce younger and healthier looking skin. As most of us age, we begin to see visible signs of sun damage, time, and lifestyle choices appearing in our complexion. This aged look may include freckles, wrinkles, broken capillaries, dark spots, blotchy skin color, redness of the face and neck, enlarged pore size and uneven pigmentation.
Photo Rejuvenation is the only procedure that can treat vascular redness, pigmented brown spots, sun damage, skin texture, and collagen structure all at once. With the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) technology, dramatic improvements can now be accomplished with little or no "downtime" and with very minimal discomfort.
As many as 70 million Americans have undesirable redness and or sun damaged skin. Sun exposure, alcohol, medication, stress and aging are common causes of skin discoloration, redness and flushing skin. Rejuvenation treatments control flushing and promotes a smoother and more even skin tone.
Treatments can be scheduled at our Downtown Orlando, Kissimmee and Hunters Creek, Orlando-Kissimmee, Florida locations.
What is photorejuvenation used for?
Photorejuvenation (IPL- Intense Pulsed Light) laser treatments are most commonly used for:
Lightening and removing “sun spots”, “age spots”, and brown blotches on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas of the body
Lightening and reducing redness, rosacea, dilated blood vessels and “broken” blood vessels on the face, neck and chest
Helping to control flushing
It also has a lesser effect of improving skin texture through collagen stimulation and improves pore size minimally by temporarily reducing oiliness
Photorejuvenation consists of a series of 3-5 treatments, usually one every three to six weeks. The benefits of photorejuvenation treatments are achieved with little discomfort and minimal risk. IPL photorejuvenation is also known as a Photofacial or Fotofacial.
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How does the laser treatment improve the appearance of blood vessels, rosacea, and age spots/freckles?
The laser/IPL device emits a range of lightwaves that are then tuned and targeted at hemoglobin (the red blood cells in the blood vessels) or melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment. These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible.
How long does it take for laser photorejuvenation treatments to work?
Most people need 3-5 months, which consists of a full series of 3-5 treatments about 1 month apart. You can see some improvement with each treatment, but it’s common for your response to be slightly different to each treatment. The more sun damage or redness you have, the more likely you are to need a full five treatments. Some cases of severe redness or brown spots require more than 5 treatments. Expect to see gradual clearing over time.
Do IPL Photofacial treatments hurt and how long will they take?
There may be mild discomfort during the treatment, but most patients tolerate removal of dilated blood vessels or age spots/freckles and fine lines very easily. The first treatment is usually the “zingiest.” As your skin begins to clear, the treatments usually become even more comfortable. Treatments usually take 30-90 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.
What are the IPL Photofacial treatments like?
When you come to our center, you will be shown to a laser room. Your medical provider will put special glasses or eyepads over your eyes to protect them. A cool gel is then placed on the skin being treated. The smooth glass surface of the handpiece is gently applied to your skin and pulses of light flash. You may feel a very slight sting, like the snapping of a small rubber band.
At the end of the treatment, the nurse wipes off the gel, cleans the area with a warm cloth, and applies a moisturizer with sunscreen. If there is any mild swelling, you might be given a cold pack to apply for five or ten minutes.
What will I look like right after the IPL treatment, and what is the healing time?
For veins, generally, the skin looks slightly redder after the treatment for two to five days. Makeup can be used starting right after the treatment, as long as it is applied and removed very gently. Rarely, there is bruising, which can take 1-2 weeks to resolve.
For freckles and age spots, the spots generally look darker for 3-7 days. Crusting can occur, which may last up to ten days. The lesions will then begin to clear and will generally be resolving at one month. Remember, it takes an average of 3-5 treatments to clear age spots.
How much do photorejuvenation treatments cost?
Contact our office to schedule a complementary consultation to go over your specific needs and costs.
What results can I expect from photorejuvenation treatments?
After your first treatment, you can expect to see some redness, darkening of brown spots, and light swelling. These symptoms will resolve in several hours to one week. Makeup can be immediately applied, if desired. After the treatment, your skin will feel smoother and have a more even tone. A gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing, age spots, and fine lines will be more visible after each treatment.
How long will the results from a photofacial last?
Tht depends on how much sun exposure your skin gets after your laser treatments. If you are in the sun a lot and do not use sunscreen, the underlying issues, whether they are redness or brown spots, will return. But if you take good care of your skin and keep it protected from the sun, your skin will continue to look good with annual maintenance treatments.
If you want to maintain collagen growth, we currently recommend a treatment every 6-12 months. Other conditions are more variable. If you are very red, once or twice a year may be needed.
How does an IPL treatment increase collagen?
The light bypasses the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and gently heats the cells in the deeper layer of skin (dermis). These cells, called fibroblasts, start to produce more collagen, which improves texture and fine wrinkles.
Will the IPL Photofacial treatment make me more sensitive to the sun?
No, it does not. You can have the treatments done any time of the year but summer is more difficult if you pick up color easily in the sun. The good effects of the treatments won’t last very long if you are getting much sun exposure. You can wear a sunscreen every morning and wear hats to protect your skin and decrease redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancers.
What should I do prior to my photorejuvenation treatment?
For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.
You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days prior to each treatment.
You may be asked to avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve one week prior to treatment unless medically indicated to help prevent bruising.
Protect your improved skin with sunscreen every morning. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.
Who should not get these treatments?
Avoid laser treatments in pregnancy because no testing has been done.
Are there any side effects?
The main side effects are mild, temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister). There are rare other side effects which our laser center will review with you in your consent form.
How does the laser treatment improve the appearance of blood vessels, rosacea, and age spots/freckles?
The laser/IPL device emits a range of lightwaves that are then tuned and targeted at hemoglobin (the red blood cells in the blood vessels) or melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment. These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible.
How long does it take for laser photorejuvenation treatments to work?
Most people need 3-5 months, which consists of a full series of 3-5 treatments about 1 month apart. You can see some improvement with each treatment, but it’s common for your response to be slightly different to each treatment. The more sun damage or redness you have, the more likely you are to need a full five treatments. Some cases of severe redness or brown spots require more than 5 treatments. Expect to see gradual clearing over time.
Do IPL Photofacial treatments hurt and how long will they take?
There may be mild discomfort during the treatment, but most patients tolerate removal of dilated blood vessels or age spots/freckles and fine lines very easily. The first treatment is usually the “zingiest.” As your skin begins to clear, the treatments usually become even more comfortable. Treatments usually take 30-90 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.
What are the IPL Photofacial treatments like?
When you come to our center, you will be shown to a laser room. Your medical provider will put special glasses or eyepads over your eyes to protect them. A cool gel is then placed on the skin being treated. The smooth glass surface of the handpiece is gently applied to your skin and pulses of light flash. You may feel a very slight sting, like the snapping of a small rubber band.
At the end of the treatment, the nurse wipes off the gel, cleans the area with a warm cloth, and applies a moisturizer with sunscreen. If there is any mild swelling, you might be given a cold pack to apply for five or ten minutes.
What will I look like right after the IPL treatment, and what is the healing time?
For veins, generally, the skin looks slightly redder after the treatment for two to five days. Makeup can be used starting right after the treatment, as long as it is applied and removed very gently. Rarely, there is bruising, which can take 1-2 weeks to resolve.
For freckles and age spots, the spots generally look darker for 3-7 days. Crusting can occur, which may last up to ten days. The lesions will then begin to clear and will generally be resolving at one month. Remember, it takes an average of 3-5 treatments to clear age spots.
How much do photorejuvenation treatments cost?
Contact our office to schedule a complementary consultation to go over your specific needs and costs.
What results can I expect from photorejuvenation treatments?
After your first treatment, you can expect to see some redness, darkening of brown spots, and light swelling. These symptoms will resolve in several hours to one week. Makeup can be immediately applied, if desired. After the treatment, your skin will feel smoother and have a more even tone. A gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing, age spots, and fine lines will be more visible after each treatment.
How long will the results from a photofacial last?
Tht depends on how much sun exposure your skin gets after your laser treatments. If you are in the sun a lot and do not use sunscreen, the underlying issues, whether they are redness or brown spots, will return. But if you take good care of your skin and keep it protected from the sun, your skin will continue to look good with annual maintenance treatments.
If you want to maintain collagen growth, we currently recommend a treatment every 6-12 months. Other conditions are more variable. If you are very red, once or twice a year may be needed.
How does an IPL treatment increase collagen?
The light bypasses the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and gently heats the cells in the deeper layer of skin (dermis). These cells, called fibroblasts, start to produce more collagen, which improves texture and fine wrinkles.
Will the IPL Photofacial treatment make me more sensitive to the sun?
No, it does not. You can have the treatments done any time of the year but summer is more difficult if you pick up color easily in the sun. The good effects of the treatments won’t last very long if you are getting much sun exposure. You can wear a sunscreen every morning and wear hats to protect your skin and decrease redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancers.
What should I do prior to my photorejuvenation treatment?
For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.
You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days prior to each treatment.
You may be asked to avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve one week prior to treatment unless medically indicated to help prevent bruising.
Protect your improved skin with sunscreen every morning. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.
Who should not get these treatments?
Avoid laser treatments in pregnancy because no testing has been done.
Are there any side effects?
The main side effects are mild, temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister). There are rare other side effects which our laser center will review with you in your consent form.
How does the laser treatment improve the appearance of blood vessels, rosacea, and age spots/freckles?
The laser/IPL device emits a range of lightwaves that are then tuned and targeted at hemoglobin (the red blood cells in the blood vessels) or melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment. These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible.
How long does it take for laser photorejuvenation treatments to work?
Most people need 3-5 months, which consists of a full series of 3-5 treatments about 1 month apart. You can see some improvement with each treatment, but it’s common for your response to be slightly different to each treatment. The more sun damage or redness you have, the more likely you are to need a full five treatments. Some cases of severe redness or brown spots require more than 5 treatments. Expect to see gradual clearing over time.
Do IPL Photofacial treatments hurt and how long will they take?
There may be mild discomfort during the treatment, but most patients tolerate removal of dilated blood vessels or age spots/freckles and fine lines very easily. The first treatment is usually the “zingiest.” As your skin begins to clear, the treatments usually become even more comfortable. Treatments usually take 30-90 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.
What are the IPL Photofacial treatments like?
When you come to our center, you will be shown to a laser room. Your medical provider will put special glasses or eyepads over your eyes to protect them. A cool gel is then placed on the skin being treated. The smooth glass surface of the handpiece is gently applied to your skin and pulses of light flash. You may feel a very slight sting, like the snapping of a small rubber band.
At the end of the treatment, the nurse wipes off the gel, cleans the area with a warm cloth, and applies a moisturizer with sunscreen. If there is any mild swelling, you might be given a cold pack to apply for five or ten minutes.
What will I look like right after the IPL treatment, and what is the healing time?
For veins, generally, the skin looks slightly redder after the treatment for two to five days. Makeup can be used starting right after the treatment, as long as it is applied and removed very gently. Rarely, there is bruising, which can take 1-2 weeks to resolve.
For freckles and age spots, the spots generally look darker for 3-7 days. Crusting can occur, which may last up to ten days. The lesions will then begin to clear and will generally be resolving at one month. Remember, it takes an average of 3-5 treatments to clear age spots.
How much do photorejuvenation treatments cost?
Contact our office to schedule a complementary consultation to go over your specific needs and costs.
What results can I expect from photorejuvenation treatments?
After your first treatment, you can expect to see some redness, darkening of brown spots, and light swelling. These symptoms will resolve in several hours to one week. Makeup can be immediately applied, if desired. After the treatment, your skin will feel smoother and have a more even tone. A gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing, age spots, and fine lines will be more visible after each treatment.
How long will the results from a photofacial last?
Tht depends on how much sun exposure your skin gets after your laser treatments. If you are in the sun a lot and do not use sunscreen, the underlying issues, whether they are redness or brown spots, will return. But if you take good care of your skin and keep it protected from the sun, your skin will continue to look good with annual maintenance treatments.
If you want to maintain collagen growth, we currently recommend a treatment every 6-12 months. Other conditions are more variable. If you are very red, once or twice a year may be needed.
How does an IPL treatment increase collagen?
The light bypasses the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and gently heats the cells in the deeper layer of skin (dermis). These cells, called fibroblasts, start to produce more collagen, which improves texture and fine wrinkles.
Will the IPL Photofacial treatment make me more sensitive to the sun?
No, it does not. You can have the treatments done any time of the year but summer is more difficult if you pick up color easily in the sun. The good effects of the treatments won’t last very long if you are getting much sun exposure. You can wear a sunscreen every morning and wear hats to protect your skin and decrease redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancers.
What should I do prior to my photorejuvenation treatment?
For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.
You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days prior to each treatment.
You may be asked to avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve one week prior to treatment unless medically indicated to help prevent bruising.
Protect your improved skin with sunscreen every morning. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.
Who should not get these treatments?
Avoid laser treatments in pregnancy because no testing has been done.
Are there any side effects?
The main side effects are mild, temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister). There are rare other side effects which our laser center will review with you in your consent form.
How does the laser treatment improve the appearance of blood vessels, rosacea, and age spots/freckles?
The laser/IPL device emits a range of lightwaves that are then tuned and targeted at hemoglobin (the red blood cells in the blood vessels) or melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment. These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible.
How long does it take for laser photorejuvenation treatments to work?
Most people need 3-5 months, which consists of a full series of 3-5 treatments about 1 month apart. You can see some improvement with each treatment, but it’s common for your response to be slightly different to each treatment. The more sun damage or redness you have, the more likely you are to need a full five treatments. Some cases of severe redness or brown spots require more than 5 treatments. Expect to see gradual clearing over time.
Do IPL Photofacial treatments hurt and how long will they take?
There may be mild discomfort during the treatment, but most patients tolerate removal of dilated blood vessels or age spots/freckles and fine lines very easily. The first treatment is usually the “zingiest.” As your skin begins to clear, the treatments usually become even more comfortable. Treatments usually take 30-90 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.
What are the IPL Photofacial treatments like?
When you come to our center, you will be shown to a laser room. Your medical provider will put special glasses or eyepads over your eyes to protect them. A cool gel is then placed on the skin being treated. The smooth glass surface of the handpiece is gently applied to your skin and pulses of light flash. You may feel a very slight sting, like the snapping of a small rubber band.
At the end of the treatment, the nurse wipes off the gel, cleans the area with a warm cloth, and applies a moisturizer with sunscreen. If there is any mild swelling, you might be given a cold pack to apply for five or ten minutes.
What will I look like right after the IPL treatment, and what is the healing time?
For veins, generally, the skin looks slightly redder after the treatment for two to five days. Makeup can be used starting right after the treatment, as long as it is applied and removed very gently. Rarely, there is bruising, which can take 1-2 weeks to resolve.
For freckles and age spots, the spots generally look darker for 3-7 days. Crusting can occur, which may last up to ten days. The lesions will then begin to clear and will generally be resolving at one month. Remember, it takes an average of 3-5 treatments to clear age spots.
How much do photorejuvenation treatments cost?
Contact our office to schedule a complementary consultation to go over your specific needs and costs.
What results can I expect from photorejuvenation treatments?
After your first treatment, you can expect to see some redness, darkening of brown spots, and light swelling. These symptoms will resolve in several hours to one week. Makeup can be immediately applied, if desired. After the treatment, your skin will feel smoother and have a more even tone. A gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing, age spots, and fine lines will be more visible after each treatment.
How long will the results from a photofacial last?
Tht depends on how much sun exposure your skin gets after your laser treatments. If you are in the sun a lot and do not use sunscreen, the underlying issues, whether they are redness or brown spots, will return. But if you take good care of your skin and keep it protected from the sun, your skin will continue to look good with annual maintenance treatments.
If you want to maintain collagen growth, we currently recommend a treatment every 6-12 months. Other conditions are more variable. If you are very red, once or twice a year may be needed.
How does an IPL treatment increase collagen?
The light bypasses the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and gently heats the cells in the deeper layer of skin (dermis). These cells, called fibroblasts, start to produce more collagen, which improves texture and fine wrinkles.
Will the IPL Photofacial treatment make me more sensitive to the sun?
No, it does not. You can have the treatments done any time of the year but summer is more difficult if you pick up color easily in the sun. The good effects of the treatments won’t last very long if you are getting much sun exposure. You can wear a sunscreen every morning and wear hats to protect your skin and decrease redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancers.
What should I do prior to my photorejuvenation treatment?
For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.
You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days prior to each treatment.
You may be asked to avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve one week prior to treatment unless medically indicated to help prevent bruising.
Protect your improved skin with sunscreen every morning. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.
Who should not get these treatments?
Avoid laser treatments in pregnancy because no testing has been done.
Are there any side effects?
The main side effects are mild, temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister). There are rare other side effects which our laser center will review with you in your consent form.
How does the laser treatment improve the appearance of blood vessels, rosacea, and age spots/freckles?
The laser/IPL device emits a range of lightwaves that are then tuned and targeted at hemoglobin (the red blood cells in the blood vessels) or melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment. These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible.
How long does it take for laser photorejuvenation treatments to work?
Most people need 3-5 months, which consists of a full series of 3-5 treatments about 1 month apart. You can see some improvement with each treatment, but it’s common for your response to be slightly different to each treatment. The more sun damage or redness you have, the more likely you are to need a full five treatments. Some cases of severe redness or brown spots require more than 5 treatments. Expect to see gradual clearing over time.
Do IPL Photofacial treatments hurt and how long will they take?
There may be mild discomfort during the treatment, but most patients tolerate removal of dilated blood vessels or age spots/freckles and fine lines very easily. The first treatment is usually the “zingiest.” As your skin begins to clear, the treatments usually become even more comfortable. Treatments usually take 30-90 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.
What are the IPL Photofacial treatments like?
When you come to our center, you will be shown to a laser room. Your medical provider will put special glasses or eyepads over your eyes to protect them. A cool gel is then placed on the skin being treated. The smooth glass surface of the handpiece is gently applied to your skin and pulses of light flash. You may feel a very slight sting, like the snapping of a small rubber band.
At the end of the treatment, the nurse wipes off the gel, cleans the area with a warm cloth, and applies a moisturizer with sunscreen. If there is any mild swelling, you might be given a cold pack to apply for five or ten minutes.
What will I look like right after the IPL treatment, and what is the healing time?
For veins, generally, the skin looks slightly redder after the treatment for two to five days. Makeup can be used starting right after the treatment, as long as it is applied and removed very gently. Rarely, there is bruising, which can take 1-2 weeks to resolve.
For freckles and age spots, the spots generally look darker for 3-7 days. Crusting can occur, which may last up to ten days. The lesions will then begin to clear and will generally be resolving at one month. Remember, it takes an average of 3-5 treatments to clear age spots.
How much do photorejuvenation treatments cost?
A Series of Photorejuvenation Treatments range between $375 - $625 in total, based on the individual. Actual cost will be determined once a complete evaluation has been performed during your complimentary consultation.
What results can I expect from photorejuvenation treatments?
After your first treatment, you can expect to see some redness, darkening of brown spots, and light swelling. These symptoms will resolve in several hours to one week. Makeup can be immediately applied, if desired. After the treatment, your skin will feel smoother and have a more even tone. A gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing, age spots, and fine lines will be more visible after each treatment.
How long will the results from a photofacial last?
It depends on how much sun exposure your skin gets after your treatments. If you are in the sun a lot and do not use sunscreen, the underlying issues, whether they are redness or brown spots, will return. But if you take good care of your skin and keep it protected from the sun, your skin will continue to look good with annual maintenance treatments.
If you want to maintain collagen growth, we currently recommend a treatment every 6-12 months. Other conditions are more variable. If you are very red, once or twice a year may be needed.
How does an IPL treatment increase collagen?
The light bypasses the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and gently heats the cells in the deeper layer of skin (dermis). These cells, called fibroblasts, start to produce more collagen, which improves texture and fine wrinkles.
Will the IPL Photofacial treatment make me more sensitive to the sun?
No, it does not. You can have the treatments done any time of the year but summer is more difficult if you pick up color easily in the sun. The good effects of the treatments won’t last very long if you are getting much sun exposure. You can wear a sunscreen every morning and wear hats to protect your skin and decrease redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancers.
What should I do prior to my photorejuvenation treatment?
For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.
You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days prior to each treatment.
You may be asked to avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve one week prior to treatment unless medically indicated to help prevent bruising.
Protect your improved skin with sunscreen every morning. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.
Who should not get these treatments?
Avoid IPL treatments in pregnancy because no testing has been done.
Are there any side effects?
The main side effects are mild, temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister). There are rare other side effects which our center will review with you in your consent form.