In additional to cosmetic surgery, Doctor Ruiz specializes in Age Management Medicine with over a decade of experience. This specialized field of medicine focuses on helping you live life optimally. Aging doesn't have to slow you down. With Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement you can live the life you were meant to live and enjoy every moment!
The FIRM PROGRAM utilizes custom compounded bio-identical hormone replacement for women and men. These hormones match the chemical make-up of the hormones your body naturally produces. We thoroughly assess every patient through comprehensive blood testing, a complete medical history and a physical examination. We then replace hormones that have declined as they may be important to your long term health. Throughout every program we monitor your hormonal system through blood levels, symptoms and patient communication to ensure optimal levels are achieved.
Optimal health consists of the five pillars of healthy aging: diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation, stress reduction and the hormone connections essential for restoring hormone balance. Optimizing the body from the inside out takes time, patience, compliance, proper communication and a partnership between you and our staff. While it is your individual journey, we embark on it with you to ensure the successful results you expect. We look forward to renewing your health, zest and vitality.
In additional to cosmetic surgery, Doctor Ruiz specializes in Age Management Medicine with over a decade of experience. This specialized field of medicine focuses on helping you live life optimally. Aging doesn't have to slow you down. With Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement you can live the life you were meant to live and enjoy every moment!
The FIRM PROGRAM utilizes custom compounded bio-identical hormone replacement for women and men. These hormones match the chemical make-up of the hormones your body naturally produces. We thoroughly assess every patient through comprehensive blood testing, a complete medical history and a physical examination. We then replace hormones that have declined as they may be important to your long term health. Throughout every program we monitor your hormonal system through blood levels, symptoms and patient communication to ensure optimal levels are achieved.
Optimal health consists of the five pillars of healthy aging: diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation, stress reduction and the hormone connections essential for restoring hormone balance. Optimizing the body from the inside out takes time, patience, compliance, proper communication and a partnership between you and our staff. While it is your individual journey, we embark on it with you to ensure the successful results you expect. We look forward to renewing your health, zest and vitality.
Hormones are basically the essential for the body as they perform the important function of growth and development. When any hormone is present in less concentration, it leads to the various ailments.
Please go through the below mentioned points which will give you the explanations about the reasons for hormonal imbalance in body. At the bottom of the page please go through the quiz to determine if you might be a Candidate for Hormone Replacement.
This quiz is designed as in informal questionnaire to reveal any possible declines in hormonal function. The final determination of weather or not you are a candidate will be determined once your initial consultation with the doctor is complete.
Some Common Reasons of Hormone Deficiency Are:
1. As the men age the production of the hormone is affected. Basically it is reduced. Hormone deficiency is very common among men with old age or above 50 years. So, hormone deficiency is believed to be the cause of aging.
2. Testes are the manufacturing place for the hormones in men. Any damage or physical injury to the testes is found to be a prime cause of the hormonal imbalance because it stops the hormone production completely. Hormone imbalance caused by the testis damage is generally untreatable unless the injury to the testis is recovered completely.
3. Uncontrolled increase in weight gain or obesity influences the normal hormone level in the body. The people with the excessive weight are double the times prone to the hormone deficiency. Hormone deficiency is observed in more than 40% of the people who suffer with excessive weight gain.
4. Stress causes hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Stress affects the production of the hormone in the body and makes him/her prone to the ailments caused by the hormonal imbalance.
5. Inadequate sleep disturbs the hormone levels in the body because essential amount of sleep is found to be necessary for the hormone production.
6. Cancer, specifically the prostate cancer reduces the hormone levels of an individual to the very low concentration. Prostate cancer affects the making of hormone in testis. Hormone imbalance is very common amount cancer patients.
7. Depressed men are usually find deficit with the testosterone levels. Women on other hand are found to be very much facing the problem of hormonal imbalance due to depression. Depression leads to the hormonal imbalance in some cases. Depression affects all the body functions, which finally are guarded by the brain.
8. Heart diseases cause hormone deficiency. If a person suffers with the heart disease then he is very much prone to hormonal imbalance. Cardiovascular disease affects the hormone levels by cutting of the supply of blood to the testis, which affects the hormone production.
9. Hormonal imbalance is also resulted from diabetes or high blood pressure problems. In diabetes excessive amount of sugar in the blood staunches hormonal production and when suffering with blood pressure the hormone degradation in the body is increased leading to the scarcity of hormones.
10. Medications like antibiotics and pain relievers, when continued for long time may also result in the hormonal imbalance. Even the medicines used to treat liver problems also affect the hormone levels in the human body.
11. Constipation is also found to be a reason of hormonal imbalance in rare cases.
12. Few times hormonal imbalance is noted to be hereditary. Suppose if any of your family members had the hormonal imbalance then there are high chances that you might also suffer with it.
13. One of the main reasons of the hormone deficiency is the unbalanced diet. You need to take a healthy diet to stabilize the normal hormone levels.
14. Excessive intake of alcohol or too much of smoking also leads to hormone deficiency.
So, these are some reasons for hormone deficiency. Please try to avoid these things if you want to live a healthy and happy life.
Please review the following quiz to see if you are a Candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
1. Do you suffer from disruptive hot flashes?
2. Are you experiencing uncharacteristic mood changes?
3. Do you have breast tenderness?
4. Has you desire for sex decreased?
5. Has enjoyment from sex decreased?
6. Do you feel more tired or fatigued than usual?
7. Do you have difficulty concentrating or remembering things?
8. Has your complexion changed?
1. Do you have loss of energy or increased fatigue?
2. Do you have difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions?
3. Do you have a decrease in strength or endurance?
4. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
5. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
6. Do you have insomnia or oversleep?
7. Do you have difficulty loosing fat around the waist?
8. Are you restless or irritable?
If you have answered YES to three or more questions, you could have hormonal imbalance and be a candidate for The FIRM Program.
Your Hormone Replacement Program begins with a 30 - 45 minute private consultation with our physician. Based on the information provided by you, the physician will recommend the appropriate lab panel for the development of your hormone replacement program. The initial consultation will determine weather or not you are a candidate for bio-identical hormone therapy.
Our Hormone Replacement Program is Physician Managed and involves an extensive consultation, evaluation and program development. You will spend 30 - 45 minutes in our clinic on the day of your program appointment. Please make arrangements convenient to your schedule as this time is best spent without interruptions. We request cell phones not be used in our clinic. Our specialty is the personalized care we provide for the optimal wellness you deserve.
On the day of your appointment, we begin with the discussion of your health & lifestyle questionnaire. We continue by focusing on your hormones and precisely how they work in your body. Our Doctor will provide an evaluation of your hormones and discuss optimal levels. The physician will then develop a program precisely for you. We will complete your visit with a physical examination and the ordering of your custom compounded hormones. Each program we offer provides a one on one visit with our physician.
Throughout your entire Hormone Replacement Program our physician will provide the appropriate management for successful results. Communication and follow up appointments are an integral part of each program. Repeat lab work is not included in program packages. We will schedule follow up laboratory and medical follow up approximately 4-6 weeks from your initial visit. Lab results are an important tool for optimal hormone replacement. Results are provided and discussed on the day of your actual appointment. The lab tests we recheck are based on sub-optimal levels from your original lab results and the hormone replacement therapy you are prescribed. Unfortunately, we cannot reorder HRT prescriptions if your labs are not rechecked as scheduled. If at any time a patient is more than thirty days past due for lab work or an office visit, a restart program will be required.
Our practice hours are Monday - Friday by appointment only. Our appointments are private and prompt. We request a three-day notice of cancellation should you find it necessary to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
Payment is expected at the time of services. Pre-payment is required for laboratory services. Payment may be made in the form of cash, check, Visa, Master Card, Discover or American Express.
Despite our best efforts, occasionally we may see a patient who is not a good match for our program. We make every attempt to educate our patients regarding compliance, commitment and cost. Unfortunately, a patient may decide that they are unable to follow through with the program as prescribed. If at any time you choose to discontinue your program, it is your responsibility to notify our office in writing thirty days prior to your appointment or shipment date.
Hormones are basically the essential for the body as they perform the important function of growth and development. When any hormone is present in less concentration, it leads to the various ailments.
Please go through the below mentioned points which will give you the explanations about the reasons for hormonal imbalance in body. At the bottom of the page please go through the quiz to determine if you might be a Candidate for Hormone Replacement.
This quiz is designed as in informal questionnaire to reveal any possible declines in hormonal function. The final determination of weather or not you are a candidate will be determined once your initial consultation with the doctor is complete.
Some Common Reasons of Hormone Deficiency Are:
1. As the men age the production of the hormone is affected. Basically it is reduced. Hormone deficiency is very common among men with old age or above 50 years. So, hormone deficiency is believed to be the cause of aging.
2. Testes are the manufacturing place for the hormones in men. Any damage or physical injury to the testes is found to be a prime cause of the hormonal imbalance because it stops the hormone production completely. Hormone imbalance caused by the testis damage is generally untreatable unless the injury to the testis is recovered completely.
3. Uncontrolled increase in weight gain or obesity influences the normal hormone level in the body. The people with the excessive weight are double the times prone to the hormone deficiency. Hormone deficiency is observed in more than 40% of the people who suffer with excessive weight gain.
4. Stress causes hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Stress affects the production of the hormone in the body and makes him/her prone to the ailments caused by the hormonal imbalance.
5. Inadequate sleep disturbs the hormone levels in the body because essential amount of sleep is found to be necessary for the hormone production.
6. Cancer, specifically the prostate cancer reduces the hormone levels of an individual to the very low concentration. Prostate cancer affects the making of hormone in testis. Hormone imbalance is very common amount cancer patients.
7. Depressed men are usually find deficit with the testosterone levels. Women on other hand are found to be very much facing the problem of hormonal imbalance due to depression. Depression leads to the hormonal imbalance in some cases. Depression affects all the body functions, which finally are guarded by the brain.
8. Heart diseases cause hormone deficiency. If a person suffers with the heart disease then he is very much prone to hormonal imbalance. Cardiovascular disease affects the hormone levels by cutting of the supply of blood to the testis, which affects the hormone production.
9. Hormonal imbalance is also resulted from diabetes or high blood pressure problems. In diabetes excessive amount of sugar in the blood staunches hormonal production and when suffering with blood pressure the hormone degradation in the body is increased leading to the scarcity of hormones.
10. Medications like antibiotics and pain relievers, when continued for long time may also result in the hormonal imbalance. Even the medicines used to treat liver problems also affect the hormone levels in the human body.
11. Constipation is also found to be a reason of hormonal imbalance in rare cases.
12. Few times hormonal imbalance is noted to be hereditary. Suppose if any of your family members had the hormonal imbalance then there are high chances that you might also suffer with it.
13. One of the main reasons of the hormone deficiency is the unbalanced diet. You need to take a healthy diet to stabilize the normal hormone levels.
14. Excessive intake of alcohol or too much of smoking also leads to hormone deficiency.
So, these are some reasons for hormone deficiency. Please try to avoid these things if you want to live a healthy and happy life.
Please review the following quiz to see if you are a Candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
1. Do you suffer from disruptive hot flashes?
2. Are you experiencing uncharacteristic mood changes?
3. Do you have breast tenderness?
4. Has you desire for sex decreased?
5. Has enjoyment from sex decreased?
6. Do you feel more tired or fatigued than usual?
7. Do you have difficulty concentrating or remembering things?
8. Has your complexion changed?
1. Do you have loss of energy or increased fatigue?
2. Do you have difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions?
3. Do you have a decrease in strength or endurance?
4. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
5. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
6. Do you have insomnia or oversleep?
7. Do you have difficulty loosing fat around the waist?
8. Are you restless or irritable?
If you have answered YES to three or more questions, you could have hormonal imbalance and be a candidate for The FIRM Program.
Your Hormone Replacement Program begins with a 30 - 45 minute private consultation with our physician. Based on the information provided by you, the physician will recommend the appropriate lab panel for the development of your hormone replacement program. The initial consultation will determine weather or not you are a candidate for bio-identical hormone therapy.
Our Hormone Replacement Program is Physician Managed and involves an extensive consultation, evaluation and program development. You will spend 30 - 45 minutes in our clinic on the day of your program appointment. Please make arrangements convenient to your schedule as this time is best spent without interruptions. We request cell phones not be used in our clinic. Our specialty is the personalized care we provide for the optimal wellness you deserve.
On the day of your appointment, we begin with the discussion of your health & lifestyle questionnaire. We continue by focusing on your hormones and precisely how they work in your body. Our Doctor will provide an evaluation of your hormones and discuss optimal levels. The physician will then develop a program precisely for you. We will complete your visit with a physical examination and the ordering of your custom compounded hormones. Each program we offer provides a one on one visit with our physician.
Throughout your entire Hormone Replacement Program our physician will provide the appropriate management for successful results. Communication and follow up appointments are an integral part of each program. Repeat lab work is not included in program packages. We will schedule follow up laboratory and medical follow up approximately 4-6 weeks from your initial visit. Lab results are an important tool for optimal hormone replacement. Results are provided and discussed on the day of your actual appointment. The lab tests we recheck are based on sub-optimal levels from your original lab results and the hormone replacement therapy you are prescribed. Unfortunately, we cannot reorder HRT prescriptions if your labs are not rechecked as scheduled. If at any time a patient is more than thirty days past due for lab work or an office visit, a restart program will be required.
Our practice hours are Monday - Friday by appointment only. Our appointments are private and prompt. We request a three-day notice of cancellation should you find it necessary to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
Payment is expected at the time of services. Pre-payment is required for laboratory services. Payment may be made in the form of cash, check, Visa, Master Card, Discover or American Express.
Despite our best efforts, occasionally we may see a patient who is not a good match for our program. We make every attempt to educate our patients regarding compliance, commitment and cost. Unfortunately, a patient may decide that they are unable to follow through with the program as prescribed. If at any time you choose to discontinue your program, it is your responsibility to notify our office in writing thirty days prior to your appointment or shipment date.
Hormones are basically the essential for the body as they perform the important function of growth and development. When any hormone is present in less concentration, it leads to the various ailments.
Please go through the below mentioned points which will give you the explanations about the reasons for hormonal imbalance in body. At the bottom of the page please go through the quiz to determine if you might be a Candidate for Hormone Replacement.
This quiz is designed as in informal questionnaire to reveal any possible declines in hormonal function. The final determination of weather or not you are a candidate will be determined once your initial consultation with the doctor is complete.
Some Common Reasons of Hormone Deficiency Are:
1. As the men age the production of the hormone is affected. Basically it is reduced. Hormone deficiency is very common among men with old age or above 50 years. So, hormone deficiency is believed to be the cause of aging.
2. Testes are the manufacturing place for the hormones in men. Any damage or physical injury to the testes is found to be a prime cause of the hormonal imbalance because it stops the hormone production completely. Hormone imbalance caused by the testis damage is generally untreatable unless the injury to the testis is recovered completely.
3. Uncontrolled increase in weight gain or obesity influences the normal hormone level in the body. The people with the excessive weight are double the times prone to the hormone deficiency. Hormone deficiency is observed in more than 40% of the people who suffer with excessive weight gain.
4. Stress causes hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Stress affects the production of the hormone in the body and makes him/her prone to the ailments caused by the hormonal imbalance.
5. Inadequate sleep disturbs the hormone levels in the body because essential amount of sleep is found to be necessary for the hormone production.
6. Cancer, specifically the prostate cancer reduces the hormone levels of an individual to the very low concentration. Prostate cancer affects the making of hormone in testis. Hormone imbalance is very common amount cancer patients.
7. Depressed men are usually find deficit with the testosterone levels. Women on other hand are found to be very much facing the problem of hormonal imbalance due to depression. Depression leads to the hormonal imbalance in some cases. Depression affects all the body functions, which finally are guarded by the brain.
8. Heart diseases cause hormone deficiency. If a person suffers with the heart disease then he is very much prone to hormonal imbalance. Cardiovascular disease affects the hormone levels by cutting of the supply of blood to the testis, which affects the hormone production.
9. Hormonal imbalance is also resulted from diabetes or high blood pressure problems. In diabetes excessive amount of sugar in the blood staunches hormonal production and when suffering with blood pressure the hormone degradation in the body is increased leading to the scarcity of hormones.
10. Medications like antibiotics and pain relievers, when continued for long time may also result in the hormonal imbalance. Even the medicines used to treat liver problems also affect the hormone levels in the human body.
11. Constipation is also found to be a reason of hormonal imbalance in rare cases.
12. Few times hormonal imbalance is noted to be hereditary. Suppose if any of your family members had the hormonal imbalance then there are high chances that you might also suffer with it.
13. One of the main reasons of the hormone deficiency is the unbalanced diet. You need to take a healthy diet to stabilize the normal hormone levels.
14. Excessive intake of alcohol or too much of smoking also leads to hormone deficiency.
So, these are some reasons for hormone deficiency. Please try to avoid these things if you want to live a healthy and happy life.
Please review the following quiz to see if you are a Candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
1. Do you suffer from disruptive hot flashes?
2. Are you experiencing uncharacteristic mood changes?
3. Do you have breast tenderness?
4. Has you desire for sex decreased?
5. Has enjoyment from sex decreased?
6. Do you feel more tired or fatigued than usual?
7. Do you have difficulty concentrating or remembering things?
8. Has your complexion changed?
1. Do you have loss of energy or increased fatigue?
2. Do you have difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions?
3. Do you have a decrease in strength or endurance?
4. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
5. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
6. Do you have insomnia or oversleep?
7. Do you have difficulty loosing fat around the waist?
8. Are you restless or irritable?
If you have answered YES to three or more questions, you could have hormonal imbalance and be a candidate for The FIRM Program.
Your Hormone Replacement Program begins with a 30 - 45 minute private consultation with our physician. Based on the information provided by you, the physician will recommend the appropriate lab panel for the development of your hormone replacement program. The initial consultation will determine weather or not you are a candidate for bio-identical hormone therapy.
Our Hormone Replacement Program is Physician Managed and involves an extensive consultation, evaluation and program development. You will spend 30 - 45 minutes in our clinic on the day of your program appointment. Please make arrangements convenient to your schedule as this time is best spent without interruptions. We request cell phones not be used in our clinic. Our specialty is the personalized care we provide for the optimal wellness you deserve.
On the day of your appointment, we begin with the discussion of your health & lifestyle questionnaire. We continue by focusing on your hormones and precisely how they work in your body. Our Doctor will provide an evaluation of your hormones and discuss optimal levels. The physician will then develop a program precisely for you. We will complete your visit with a physical examination and the ordering of your custom compounded hormones. Each program we offer provides a one on one visit with our physician.
Throughout your entire Hormone Replacement Program our physician will provide the appropriate management for successful results. Communication and follow up appointments are an integral part of each program. Repeat lab work is not included in program packages. We will schedule follow up laboratory and medical follow up approximately 4-6 weeks from your initial visit. Lab results are an important tool for optimal hormone replacement. Results are provided and discussed on the day of your actual appointment. The lab tests we recheck are based on sub-optimal levels from your original lab results and the hormone replacement therapy you are prescribed. Unfortunately, we cannot reorder HRT prescriptions if your labs are not rechecked as scheduled. If at any time a patient is more than thirty days past due for lab work or an office visit, a restart program will be required.
Our practice hours are Monday - Friday by appointment only. Our appointments are private and prompt. We request a three-day notice of cancellation should you find it necessary to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
Payment is expected at the time of services. Pre-payment is required for laboratory services. Payment may be made in the form of cash, check, Visa, Master Card, Discover or American Express.
Despite our best efforts, occasionally we may see a patient who is not a good match for our program. We make every attempt to educate our patients regarding compliance, commitment and cost. Unfortunately, a patient may decide that they are unable to follow through with the program as prescribed. If at any time you choose to discontinue your program, it is your responsibility to notify our office in writing thirty days prior to your appointment or shipment date.
Hormones are basically the essential for the body as they perform the important function of growth and development. When any hormone is present in less concentration, it leads to the various ailments.
Please go through the below mentioned points which will give you the explanations about the reasons for hormonal imbalance in body. At the bottom of the page please go through the quiz to determine if you might be a Candidate for Hormone Replacement.
This quiz is designed as in informal questionnaire to reveal any possible declines in hormonal function. The final determination of weather or not you are a candidate will be determined once your initial consultation with the doctor is complete.
Some Common Reasons of Hormone Deficiency Are:
1. As the men age the production of the hormone is affected. Basically it is reduced. Hormone deficiency is very common among men with old age or above 50 years. So, hormone deficiency is believed to be the cause of aging.
2. Testes are the manufacturing place for the hormones in men. Any damage or physical injury to the testes is found to be a prime cause of the hormonal imbalance because it stops the hormone production completely. Hormone imbalance caused by the testis damage is generally untreatable unless the injury to the testis is recovered completely.
3. Uncontrolled increase in weight gain or obesity influences the normal hormone level in the body. The people with the excessive weight are double the times prone to the hormone deficiency. Hormone deficiency is observed in more than 40% of the people who suffer with excessive weight gain.
4. Stress causes hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Stress affects the production of the hormone in the body and makes him/her prone to the ailments caused by the hormonal imbalance.
5. Inadequate sleep disturbs the hormone levels in the body because essential amount of sleep is found to be necessary for the hormone production.
6. Cancer, specifically the prostate cancer reduces the hormone levels of an individual to the very low concentration. Prostate cancer affects the making of hormone in testis. Hormone imbalance is very common amount cancer patients.
7. Depressed men are usually find deficit with the testosterone levels. Women on other hand are found to be very much facing the problem of hormonal imbalance due to depression. Depression leads to the hormonal imbalance in some cases. Depression affects all the body functions, which finally are guarded by the brain.
8. Heart diseases cause hormone deficiency. If a person suffers with the heart disease then he is very much prone to hormonal imbalance. Cardiovascular disease affects the hormone levels by cutting of the supply of blood to the testis, which affects the hormone production.
9. Hormonal imbalance is also resulted from diabetes or high blood pressure problems. In diabetes excessive amount of sugar in the blood staunches hormonal production and when suffering with blood pressure the hormone degradation in the body is increased leading to the scarcity of hormones.
10. Medications like antibiotics and pain relievers, when continued for long time may also result in the hormonal imbalance. Even the medicines used to treat liver problems also affect the hormone levels in the human body.
11. Constipation is also found to be a reason of hormonal imbalance in rare cases.
12. Few times hormonal imbalance is noted to be hereditary. Suppose if any of your family members had the hormonal imbalance then there are high chances that you might also suffer with it.
13. One of the main reasons of the hormone deficiency is the unbalanced diet. You need to take a healthy diet to stabilize the normal hormone levels.
14. Excessive intake of alcohol or too much of smoking also leads to hormone deficiency.
So, these are some reasons for hormone deficiency. Please try to avoid these things if you want to live a healthy and happy life.
Please review the following quiz to see if you are a Candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
1. Do you suffer from disruptive hot flashes?
2. Are you experiencing uncharacteristic mood changes?
3. Do you have breast tenderness?
4. Has you desire for sex decreased?
5. Has enjoyment from sex decreased?
6. Do you feel more tired or fatigued than usual?
7. Do you have difficulty concentrating or remembering things?
8. Has your complexion changed?
1. Do you have loss of energy or increased fatigue?
2. Do you have difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions?
3. Do you have a decrease in strength or endurance?
4. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
5. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
6. Do you have insomnia or oversleep?
7. Do you have difficulty loosing fat around the waist?
8. Are you restless or irritable?
If you have answered YES to three or more questions, you could have hormonal imbalance and be a candidate for The FIRM Program.
Your Hormone Replacement Program begins with a 30 - 45 minute private consultation with our physician. Based on the information provided by you, the physician will recommend the appropriate lab panel for the development of your hormone replacement program. The initial consultation will determine weather or not you are a candidate for bio-identical hormone therapy.
Our Hormone Replacement Program is Physician Managed and involves an extensive consultation, evaluation and program development. You will spend 30 - 45 minutes in our clinic on the day of your program appointment. Please make arrangements convenient to your schedule as this time is best spent without interruptions. We request cell phones not be used in our clinic. Our specialty is the personalized care we provide for the optimal wellness you deserve.
On the day of your appointment, we begin with the discussion of your health & lifestyle questionnaire. We continue by focusing on your hormones and precisely how they work in your body. Our Doctor will provide an evaluation of your hormones and discuss optimal levels. The physician will then develop a program precisely for you. We will complete your visit with a physical examination and the ordering of your custom compounded hormones. Each program we offer provides a one on one visit with our physician.
Throughout your entire Hormone Replacement Program our physician will provide the appropriate management for successful results. Communication and follow up appointments are an integral part of each program. Repeat lab work is not included in program packages. We will schedule follow up laboratory and medical follow up approximately 4-6 weeks from your initial visit. Lab results are an important tool for optimal hormone replacement. Results are provided and discussed on the day of your actual appointment. The lab tests we recheck are based on sub-optimal levels from your original lab results and the hormone replacement therapy you are prescribed. Unfortunately, we cannot reorder HRT prescriptions if your labs are not rechecked as scheduled. If at any time a patient is more than thirty days past due for lab work or an office visit, a restart program will be required.
Our practice hours are Monday - Friday by appointment only. Our appointments are private and prompt. We request a three-day notice of cancellation should you find it necessary to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
Payment is expected at the time of services. Pre-payment is required for laboratory services. Payment may be made in the form of cash, check, Visa, Master Card, Discover or American Express.
Despite our best efforts, occasionally we may see a patient who is not a good match for our program. We make every attempt to educate our patients regarding compliance, commitment and cost. Unfortunately, a patient may decide that they are unable to follow through with the program as prescribed. If at any time you choose to discontinue your program, it is your responsibility to notify our office in writing thirty days prior to your appointment or shipment date.
Hormones are basically the essential for the body as they perform the important function of growth and development. When any hormone is present in less concentration, it leads to the various ailments.
Please go through the below mentioned points which will give you the explanations about the reasons for hormonal imbalance in body. At the bottom of the page please go through the quiz to determine if you might be a Candidate for Hormone Replacement.
This quiz is designed as in informal questionnaire to reveal any possible declines in hormonal function. The final determination of weather or not you are a candidate will be determined once your initial consultation with the doctor is complete.
Some Common Reasons of Hormone Deficiency Are:
1. As the men age the production of the hormone is affected. Basically it is reduced. Hormone deficiency is very common among men with old age or above 50 years. So, hormone deficiency is believed to be the cause of aging.
2. Testes are the manufacturing place for the hormones in men. Any damage or physical injury to the testes is found to be a prime cause of the hormonal imbalance because it stops the hormone production completely. Hormone imbalance caused by the testis damage is generally untreatable unless the injury to the testis is recovered completely.
3. Uncontrolled increase in weight gain or obesity influences the normal hormone level in the body. The people with the excessive weight are double the times prone to the hormone deficiency. Hormone deficiency is observed in more than 40% of the people who suffer with excessive weight gain.
4. Stress causes hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Stress affects the production of the hormone in the body and makes him/her prone to the ailments caused by the hormonal imbalance.
5. Inadequate sleep disturbs the hormone levels in the body because essential amount of sleep is found to be necessary for the hormone production.
6. Cancer, specifically the prostate cancer reduces the hormone levels of an individual to the very low concentration. Prostate cancer affects the making of hormone in testis. Hormone imbalance is very common amount cancer patients.
7. Depressed men are usually find deficit with the testosterone levels. Women on other hand are found to be very much facing the problem of hormonal imbalance due to depression. Depression leads to the hormonal imbalance in some cases. Depression affects all the body functions, which finally are guarded by the brain.
8. Heart diseases cause hormone deficiency. If a person suffers with the heart disease then he is very much prone to hormonal imbalance. Cardiovascular disease affects the hormone levels by cutting of the supply of blood to the testis, which affects the hormone production.
9. Hormonal imbalance is also resulted from diabetes or high blood pressure problems. In diabetes excessive amount of sugar in the blood staunches hormonal production and when suffering with blood pressure the hormone degradation in the body is increased leading to the scarcity of hormones.
10. Medications like antibiotics and pain relievers, when continued for long time may also result in the hormonal imbalance. Even the medicines used to treat liver problems also affect the hormone levels in the human body.
11. Constipation is also found to be a reason of hormonal imbalance in rare cases.
12. Few times hormonal imbalance is noted to be hereditary. Suppose if any of your family members had the hormonal imbalance then there are high chances that you might also suffer with it.
13. One of the main reasons of the hormone deficiency is the unbalanced diet. You need to take a healthy diet to stabilize the normal hormone levels.
14. Excessive intake of alcohol or too much of smoking also leads to hormone deficiency.
So, these are some reasons for hormone deficiency. Please try to avoid these things if you want to live a healthy and happy life.
Please review the following quiz to see if you are a Candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
1. Do you suffer from disruptive hot flashes?
2. Are you experiencing uncharacteristic mood changes?
3. Do you have breast tenderness?
4. Has you desire for sex decreased?
5. Has enjoyment from sex decreased?
6. Do you feel more tired or fatigued than usual?
7. Do you have difficulty concentrating or remembering things?
8. Has your complexion changed?
1. Do you have loss of energy or increased fatigue?
2. Do you have difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions?
3. Do you have a decrease in strength or endurance?
4. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
5. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
6. Do you have insomnia or oversleep?
7. Do you have difficulty loosing fat around the waist?
8. Are you restless or irritable?
If you have answered YES to three or more questions, you could have hormonal imbalance and be a candidate for The FIRM Program.
Your Hormone Replacement Program begins with a 30 - 45 minute private consultation with our physician. Based on the information provided by you, the physician will recommend the appropriate lab panel for the development of your hormone replacement program. The initial consultation will determine weather or not you are a candidate for bio-identical hormone therapy.
Our Hormone Replacement Program is Physician Managed and involves an extensive consultation, evaluation and program development. You will spend 30 - 45 minutes in our clinic on the day of your program appointment. Please make arrangements convenient to your schedule as this time is best spent without interruptions. We request cell phones not be used in our clinic. Our specialty is the personalized care we provide for the optimal wellness you deserve.
On the day of your appointment, we begin with the discussion of your health & lifestyle questionnaire. We continue by focusing on your hormones and precisely how they work in your body. Our Doctor will provide an evaluation of your hormones and discuss optimal levels. The physician will then develop a program precisely for you. We will complete your visit with a physical examination and the ordering of your custom compounded hormones. Each program we offer provides a one on one visit with our physician.
Throughout your entire Hormone Replacement Program our physician will provide the appropriate management for successful results. Communication and follow up appointments are an integral part of each program. Repeat lab work is not included in program packages. We will schedule follow up laboratory and medical follow up approximately 4-6 weeks from your initial visit. Lab results are an important tool for optimal hormone replacement. Results are provided and discussed on the day of your actual appointment. The lab tests we recheck are based on sub-optimal levels from your original lab results and the hormone replacement therapy you are prescribed. Unfortunately, we cannot reorder HRT prescriptions if your labs are not rechecked as scheduled. If at any time a patient is more than thirty days past due for lab work or an office visit, a restart program will be required.
Our practice hours are Monday - Friday by appointment only. Our appointments are private and prompt. We request a three-day notice of cancellation should you find it necessary to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
The initial Hormone Therapy Consultation is $250 and follow up visits are $175 each. Lab fees and Bio-Identical Hormones are additional, based on the individual. Actual cost will be determined once a complete evaluation has been performed during your complimentary consultation.
Bio-Idential Hormone Replacement Therapy can not make a middle-aged patient feel like a teenager, but it can bring hormones to optimal levels restoring energy, clarity and overall vigor for living life more vibrantly.